Why Italian ?

Italian has a lot to do with Latin in terms of vocabulary and grammar rules.
Around 70 million people of the world's population speak Italian as their mother tongue language.
Learning this language is of utmost importance since Italian speaking countries attract a large number of experts, tourists and immigrants.
Moreover, big part of the world's history has been tied to Italy and its language which definitely helps to understand this part of the history. Also, Italy and its language have had a huge impact on art and music.
Apart from music and Opera, the Italian excel in other arts.
Some world unique artistic works of the world are created by Italian famous sculptors and painters of the Middle age and Renaissance like Leonardo da Vinci and Michel Angelo.
Italian film Industries should also not be neglected.
Most people travel to Italy and its neighboring countries just to pursue their studies. Italian universities are a big host to the gigantic swarm of students, which is caused by European Standard Education and life opportunities in a culturally-historically enriched environment and particularly education with a reasonable price.
It is less expensive to study in Italy than in other European Union countries.

آخرین تغییر: Sunday، 22 September 2019، 12:08 PM